All the Facebook groups in the Kingdom of Lochac are going Private now, due to some genuinely counterproductive decisions by the Facebook Powers That Be over which we have no control. When you look at a group now, you will see something like this:
No posts, no member lists, just a description of the group and a Join Group button. So you can join the group — but there’s a catch.
Groups now have questions, designed to weed out the spammers and scammers from the genuine participants. If you click that Join Group button, you will see something like this:That’s a pop-up box notifying you that your application has been approved, followed by one or more questions for you to fill out. Though it says in the box that this will “help them review your request to join”, it’s not necessarily as optional as that. In groups with a high volume of applicants, administrators are well within their rights to just discard any applications that don’t have answers to the questions.
As you can see, questions are not that tricky. If you don’t know your own SCA name and what group you’re a Historian in, for example, you’re unlikely to be a good fit for the Lochac Historians group. Similarly, if you can’t explain how you heard about the Shire of Fnordwallop and what aspects of Fnordwallopian life you’re interested in, the group admins for the Fnordwallop FB group probably won’t expect you to be able to contribute much.
So that’s easy. Click the Join Group button, answer the questions, click Submit. Make it easy for you to be accepted into the group, and you will be.
Oh, and for the benefit of any scammers and spammers who have popped by and wish to know how to bypass these questions, that’s easy: just put “Arthur, King of the Britons” as your SCA name and you’ll totally be allowed in. For realz. Would I lie to you?